Our fabulous featured cocktails range from the new and fantastic to the tried and true.
Check back often as we add new recipes and downloads every month.
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Cocktail Cards
Pick and choose your favorite cocktails and curate your own book to wow your guests!
Simply click on any of the cocktail cards below to download.
Cocktailing for a Cause
Enjoying a cocktail with friends or at home with your loved one is a way for people to come together and relax in each other's company. It’s during these special moments that we learn about one another, form bonds, and appreciate the truest joy in life: simply being appreciated for being yourself.
That’s why Equality Vodka celebrates every aspect of humanity and togetherness with Cocktailing for a Cause.
Supporting LGBT Organizations
Championing the Right to Equality
Whether you find Equality Vodka in your favorite bar, a romantic restaurant, or at the liquor store, 20 percent of the gross profits from the sale of each and every bottle goes to LGBT organizations that fight for equal rights.
Make every drink count toward a greater cause by asking for your cocktail to be made with Equality Vodka. Then raise a glass to the right to equality with those you cherish most.
Equality. Ask For It.
Want to be Featured?
At Equality Vodka, we love bringing people together under the common goal of fighting for equality. What better way than to raise a glass together and share our knowledge
with one another?
If you have a recipe that you would like to have featured on Equality Vodka, let us know!
Bartenders Cocktailing for a Cause
Check out some of our favorite bartenders in action as they create perfect cocktails with
Equality Vodka’s ultra premium vodka.
Coming Soon
Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more great videos from bartenders Cocktailing for a Cause.