Our Recipients
To combat the sting of inequality, LGBT organizations need resources. In the world we live in, all resources come down to a financial need. That’s why Equality Vodka gives back each and every day to the LGBT organizations fighting for equal rights.
In today’s society, we shouldn’t still be having conversations about the need for equal rights. We should have already evolved to a point where we can all have respect for one another, be kind to one another, and accept one another. But we are still having these conversations, which is why Equality Vodka exists.
We need to be able to affect change. Equality Vodka’s mission is to do that.
With every single sale of Equality Vodka, 20 percent of the gross profits are given back to LGBT organizations championing the right to equality.

LGBT Organizations Fighting for the Right to Equality
Our Beneficiaries
Each year, Equality Vodka donates a cash contribution to a recognized recipient based on the number of bottles sold and gross profits earned in each region where Equality Vodka is available.
In addition to giving back to our primary beneficiaries, each year Equality Vodka looks for opportunities to give back to other LGBT organizations championing the right to equality.
We are honored to have been able to support the following LGBT organizations.
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LGBT Organizations Fighting for the Right to Equality
Southern California
Coachella Valley AIDS services*
New Jersey
The Teddy Bear Party
(formerly AIDS Arms)
Every time you buy Equality Vodka, you are supporting the brave men and women who fight for the right to equality. Ultimately, how much we can give back to LGBT organizations relies on your support.
At Equality Vodka, we envision a day when we can donate to LGBT organizations in every state. In order to achieve that goal, we need to create more demand for Equality.
So speak out, drink up, enjoy responsibly, and together, we will create a better world for all.
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Equality. Ask For It.
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